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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

کپري کي ماڊل سٽي نه سهي، رهڻ لائق ته بڻايو
ايشين بئنڪ جي سهڪار سان سنڌ سٽيز امپروومينٽ پروگرام جي ٻئي مرحلي ۾ ميرپور خاص، عمر ڪوٽ، سانگهڙ ۽ ٽنڊو الهيار ضلعن جي ستن شهرن کي ماڊل سٽي بڻائڻ جي حوالي سان پلاننگ شروع ٿي وئي آهي. ان ڏس ۾ ڪمشنر ميرپور خاص سانگهڙ، شهدادپور، ٽنڊو آدم، سنڌڙي ۽ ڪوٽ غلام محمد جي علائقن جو نالو غور هيٺ آندو آهي ۽ ان حوالي سان انهن تعلقن جي ٽي ايم اوز کي تياري ڪرڻ لاءِ پڻ چيو ويو آهي. ايشين بئنڪ جي سهڪار سان انهن ماڊل سٽيز ۾ صاف پاڻي جي فراهمي، گندي پاڻيءَ جي نيڪال ۽ صفائيءَ جي حوالي سان مناسب اپاءُ وٺڻ لاءِ ڪم ڪيو ويندو. اها هڪ سٺي خبر آهي، ڇو جو اسان جي شهرن جو ڍانچو تباهه ٿي چڪو آهي. اهڙن تباهه ٿيل شهرن مان کپرو به هڪ آهي، جنهن کي ماڊل سٽي بڻائڻ لاءِ اڄ تائين ڪنهن ڪي اپاءُ نه ورتا آهن. کپرو، سانگهڙ تعلقي جو هڪ اهڙو پٺتي پيل شهر آهي، جنهن جي نه ڪنهن مالڪي ڪئي آهي ۽ نه ئي سڌارڻ جي ڪا ڪوشش! شهر جا مرڪزي رستا ڪڏهوڪا ختم ٿي چڪا آهن، مين ميرپور خاص روڊ ٻارنهن ئي مهينا گٽرن جي پاڻيءَ هيٺ رهي ٿو. 60 ڪلوميٽر سانگهڙ شهر تائين پهچڻ لاءِ عام گاڏيون 3 ڪلاڪ وٺنديون آهن. کاهي روڊ بلڪل ختم ٿي چڪو آهي. 16 فيبروري 2012ع جي هڪ اخبار ۾ تعلقه آفيس کپرو جي ٽي ايم او پاران 244 اسڪيمن لاءِ ٽينڊر گهرايا ويا آهن پر انهن سمورين اسڪيمن ۾ وڏيرن جي اوطاقن اڳيان روڊن يا انهن جي ٻنين جي رستن تي سرن جي ڀرائي کانسواءِ اهڙي ڪا اسڪيم نظر نه آئي، جنهن مان کپري جي ماڻهن جو فائدو ٿئي. فرلانگ، اڌ فرلانگ روڊ جي اسڪيم هجي يا روڊ ڀرائي جون اسڪيمون هجن، فقط ٺيڪيدارن ۽ ٽي ايم او کي پئسا بچائي ڏيڻ کانسواءِ ڪو فائدو نٿيون ڏين. اهي ۽ اهڙيون ڪروڙين جون اسڪيمون ٽي ايم او ۽ ٺيڪيدارن ۾ مال جي ورڇ کانسواءِ ڪجهه ناهن. اهڙيون اسڪيمون ٺيڪيدارن کي ته ضرور خوشحال ڪنديون آهن، پر تعلقي کپري جي خوشحالي هڪ خواب جيان لڳي ٿي، جيڪو هڪ ڏتڙيل ۽ تباهه ٿيل علائقو آهي. آئون ڪمشنر ميرپور خاص کي گذارش ٿو ڪريان ته مهرباني ڪري کپري کي ماڊل سٽي نه سهي، رهڻ لائق بڻائڻ لاءِ جوڳا اپاءُ ورتا وڃن.
رام ڪرشن/کاهي
Daily Kawish hyderabad  date:22-02-2012

Friday, 30 December 2011

ڳالهه مان ڳالهوڙو

ٻن ڳالهين جي ڪري ٻه ڳالهيون ٿي وينديون آهن يا ته ماڻهو ڪري پوندو آهي يا ڪونه ڪرندو آهي. جي نه ڪريو ته ٺيڪ آهي پر جيڪر ڪريو ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته اٿي ويندو، يا ته ڪريو ئي پيو هوندو، سو ڳالهه اها آهي ته ڪنهن به ڳالهه جي ڪري ٻه ڳالهيون ٿي وينديون آهن يا ته ڳالهه ڪونه ٿيندي  يا ته ٿيندي. جيڪر ڪا به ڳالهه نه ٿي ته خير آهي پر جيڪر ڪا ڳالهه ٿي وئي ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون، يا ته شادي ٿي ويندي يا ته ڪونه ٿيندي. نه ٿي ته خير آهي، پر جيڪر ٿي وئي ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته زال مڙس خوشگوار زندگي گذارڻ لڳندا يا وري انهن ۾ جهيڙا جهٽا ٿيڻ لڳندا. جيڪر جهيڙا جهٽا ٿيا ته ٺيڪ آهي پر جيڪر خوش گوار زندگي گذارڻ لڳا ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته گهر جو خرچ وڌي ويندو يا وري ٻارگهڻا ٿي ويندا. مطلب ته هر ڳالهه مان ٻه ڳالهيون نڪري اينديون آهن. پهرين ڳالهه مان ٻي ڳالهه نڪرندي آهي ۽ ٻي ڳالهه مان پهرين ڳالهه نڪرندي آهي، ماڻهو يا ته غريب هوندو آهي يا وري امير، جيڪر امير هوندو ته ٺيڪ آهي پر جيڪر غريب هوندو ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته قسمت خراب هوندي يا وري ڪاهل هوندو. جيڪر قسمت خراب هوندي ته ٺيڪ آهي پر جيڪر ڪاهل هوندو ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته ڪم بلڪل ڪونه ڪندو هوندو يا وري بيمار رهندو هوندو. سو هر ماڻهو ٻن ڳالهين جي چڪرن ۾ ٻه ڳالهيون ٻيون سوچيندو آهي. پاڪستان ڪارڊ ايندو يا ڪونه ايندو، جيڪر نه آيو ته خير آهي، پر جيڪر آيو ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته اي ٽي ايم ڪارڊ جا نمبر چار جي بجاءِ ٻه هوندا يا وري اڪائونٽ ۾ پئسا ڪا نه هوندا. مطلب ته غريب ماڻهو ٻن ڳالهين جي ڪري ٻه ڳالهيون پيو ڪندو آهي. جيڪر برسات آئي ته ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته گهر ڪرندو يا ته تباهي ايندي، جيڪر گهر ڪريو ته خير آهي پر جيڪر تباهي آئي ته پوءِ ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته امداد ملندي يا وري امداد ڪونه ملندي. جيڪر امداد ملي ته ٺيڪ آهي، نه ملي ته پوءِ ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته صبر ڪرڻو پوندو يا وري ڌرڻا هڻڻا پوندا. جيڪر صبر ڪيوسين ته ٺيڪ آهي پر جيڪر ڌرڻا هنياسين ته پوءِ ٻه ڳالهيون ٿينديون يا ته لٺيون کائينداسين يا وري ڪجهه حاصل ڪري وينداسين. سو آئون هڪڙو ٻن ڳالهين جي ڪري ٻه ٻه دفعا سوچيندو آهيان پر نتيجا ٻه ڪڍي به حاصل هڪڙو به ڪري نه سگهندو آهيان. روڊ ٺهيو ته ڪهڙو فائدو ٿيندو؟  پهرين ڳالهه ته جلد ئي ٽُٽي ويندو ۽ ٻي ڳالهه ته ٺهندو ئي  ڪونه، سو ساريو پيو آهي. پارٽي اقتدار ۾ اها هجي يا ڪا ٻي، اقتدار ۾ اهي ساڳيا ماڻهو هوندا، نه ڪا ٻي ڳالهه ٿيندي نه ئي ٽئي ڳالهه ٿيندي، سو ڳالهه اها آهي ته:

خواب شيشي کي، دنيا پتهر کي
هم نه سمجهي تهي بات اتني سي!!

A School at Achhro thar, a good work of Pakistani Rangers

Khipro: A good effort has been taking for uplifting education in Achhro thar (White Desert located near Khipro) by Pakistan Rangers. The school has established in the Sadau village, 90 Kilo meters away from Khipro city. The Rangers' school - named after philanthropist Mian Muhammad Yusuf - was opened in 2010 and around 150 students, majority of them girls, are enrolled at the school.

In this desert area, girls' education and computer literacy could have never been imagined as most of the people have not even been to a major city in their lives. Students come to attend the school in Sadau from far-flung areas. Most of them have to walk to the school. The Rangers' authorities planned to establish a hostel but not much funds were available. They are looking for social welfare organizations, philanthropists and other individuals to help them establish a hostel for these children from one of the most backward areas of Sindh.

Scattered over 4,805 square kilometers on the eastern side of Sindh along with the Indian border, Achhro Thar - a unique desert for its white sand dunes - is located in Khipro Taluka of Sanghar district. The White Desert offers a variety of landscapes with vast scattered sand dunes that continuously change shapes in gusty winds. The area sprouts to life with desert plants and grass after torrential rains.

The population in this vast area is only 55,000. The Sindh Education Department's records reveal that 1,100 primary, middle and secondary government schools exist in the taluka. The records confirm that 500 out of the total government schools are non-functional either due to unavailability of teachers or being illegally occupied by local influential, who have converted these buildings into their guesthouses, warehouses or keeping livestock.

Around 300 of such schools are in Achhro Thar alone. The records further state that two schools of Manakau village and one each in Sadau, Khasrau, Wikar, Rablau, Thooraho, Sahbitiyani, Mario, Kohi Samjh Wari, Kharki, Khathrau, Langhar, Patasho, Jaee jo Tarr, Lakhio, Athh, Raho and some other villages are not working for the last several years. The establishment of the Rangers' school has brought new hopes for the people.

Many residents from far-flung areas take their children to Sadau and request their relatives to provide boarding to their children. In these conditions, the proposed hostel could be a great relief for the people in this backward district of Sindh.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Mahavir…… My CP CHILD…..

I got married on 3rd December 2007 with Pushpa Kumari. I became father on 21st November 2008. It was very Problematical  delivery; I carried my wife from village to a big city Mirpur khas (Divisional Headquarter) of Sindh province of Pakistan. It was very cold night of November; I was with my mother and my sweetest wife Pushpa. It was major seizer and I was alone at hospital, my two friends Dhani Bux mari and Ashok Gowasmi were there for my help. I was really afraid…I had less amount in my pocket and medicine were very costly but I managed myself….it was 9.54 when Mahavir was born!! I was very happy and was very excited after being father……!! After two or three days of his birth, Mahavir fell seriously ill and hospitalized at Mirpur khas, he was diagnosed Jaundice (a kind of disease, caused by destruction of red blood cells), those were six most suffering days in my life…not a single penny was in my pocket, but I managed each and everything for the sack of my beloved child Mahavir! As the days passed, we were very happy to see our little child and there was not limit of our happiness. I and my beloved wife Pushpa used to see Mahavir whole the day…we spent lot of time with our cutest and loveliest child. When Mahavir became nine months, we felt that his actions and activities are not normal, he is not behaving normally and his understanding toward things were not clear, we made contact with professor at a private clinic (Aga Khan Hospital Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan), Dr suggested few medicine to my child but professor was not looking satisfied with the health of my child. After one month, we got chance for check up from same professor, and then he told us that my beloved Child is a Cerebral Palsy (CP) child. It was very shocking news for both of us. We were very desperate; we were parents of a cute child with Cerebral palsy!!

Now our darling child is 31 months old and suffering a lot…. my sweetheart Pushpa caring Mahavir…different treatments from different doctors...we are very sad due to our lovely child…he is very irritate, always weeping...No rest still breast feeding and not eating anything properly!!  

I am very upset…my whole life disturbed…..fond no waY!!!

Monday, 25 July 2011

Love feeling......!!

I am thirty three year…I have passed a very thrilling life, sports, films, books and many passions were in my life but love? I never fell in love!! Really whole of life I missed love and love feeling!! Since last month I am feeling strange feeling in my heart!! A loving pain...restless rest!! Love feeling!! I love her too much, I miss her, I feel her, I feel her all the times around me!! Her eyes are soooo beautiful; her lips are most beautiful lips of the world!! Her voice is so melodious, her checks are much appealing and she……she is master peace of the world...She is much beautiful than miss world……much attractive than miss universe…..!!! I am in love and feeling a great pleasure in my life!!! My sweetest darling!! Thank you very much….i love you sooo much my darling!!!

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Cattle breeders at the doorstep of Emergency in Achro Tharr!!

Achro thar or white desert is containing on three union councils of Taluka Khipro, district Sanghar Sindh. 80% of Achro Thar’s population depends on livestock for its livelihood. The livestock breeders primarily depend on the natural pasture lands of the area for their cattle feeding. These pastures remain green till 4 to 5 months after rainy season and start drying out in later months. The situation at present is that the pastures are almost exhausted. People have started migrating in search of food for their cattle. Some have even started feeding grains to their cattle from their share of food. They have resorted to eat less and share half of their food with their cattle only to prevent them from starving and to safeguard their next whole year’s earning- cattle being the only source.

Scarcity of water in the area has also created problems for the livestock owners. Their cattle are not growing healthy. A stock of healthy goats sold to the middleman fetches around Rs.1500/- on average. But, at present, the goats are so weak, that middleman pays Rs.700 to 800 per goat. This gives a big blow to the meager earnings of the poor breeder.

Growth of a strange poisonous plant, called Dabbar, in the leftover grazing fields has worsened the situation further. A grazing animal who eats this plant mistakenly, do not survive. According to information, around 15 to 20 goats have died only in village Saeedao. To these people loss of one animal means loss of at least one month's food for them.

Civil society activist and other civil society workers requested to the government to take necessary measures to protect the poor breeders from falling further in to poverty.

Cotton belt town struggling for potable water

Beside cooking, washing dishes, cleaning the home and looking after the three children, it is necessary for thirty tow years old Sanjhi Menghwar to bring potable water from the hand pump located in local graveyard, at the distance of half kilometer from her home. She visits graveyard with empty pitchers twice a days, early morning and in evening.

These are no more the new scenes for this agricultural Taluka, where women folk carrying pitchers on their head lined on the way to graveyard, as it is not model irrigational sub division of Pakistan , but a remote desert village of Thar . An unknown philanthropist financed funds for the installation for this hand pump in Hindu graveyard just behind the Garibabad (poor settlement). Nobody of this settlement knows exactly who is responsible to push 110000 human population of Khipro sub division to face even the acute potable water shortage.

Khipro is a taluka, an administrative subdivision, of Sanghar District, is located in the middle of Sindh on eastern corner along with Indian border. It touches Umerkot district from eastern southern side, Mirpurkhas district in south, district headquarter of Sanghar in west, Khairpur district in north and its unique white desert of Achhro Thar is spread along with Indian border in east.

Being located in the head of the Nara Canal system, the major canal system of the River Indus in Sindh province, Khirpo was cotton belt of Pakistan contributing 32 percent of total cotton production of Pakistan. Khipro was also producing red chilies, peanuts, wheat and vegetables but it seems these were the fairy tales of the past, right now the human population is struggling to get the potable water, though they have all around water in four major canals of Sindh, including Nara Canal. The Nara Canal off takes from Sukkur Barrage and splits into five main canals including Jamrao, Mithrao, Khipro, Hiral and Thar and all four of these canals pass through this subdivision, but human population are deprived even the potable water and they are forced to consume underground contaminated potable water from communal hand pumps.

Though the seepages of irrigational canals caused the under ground water sweet but no one knows exactly the purity of this water, as in Achhro Thar, just 50 kilometers away from Khipro Town people are getting lower limbs paralysis and many of them reported dead after consuming highly fluoride under ground water.

The official record of the district government Sanghar reveals that four water ponds were built in late 70s and latter two more ponds were constructed in early 80s to provide potable water of 55000 population of that time. In last three decades population increased to the double of that time but no new pond was built and existing pond silted. After the introduction of local government system the people of this area got a new hope that at least they will get new ponds for their potable water needs but during last eight years they got only decorated welcome gates and roundabouts on the main entrances of the town.
On contact Taluka Municipal Officer (TMO) Khipro said the city needs 20000 gallons every day but against these needs local water supply scheme receive only 11000 gallons averagely per day. After the acute water shortage in the province, irrigation department imposed water rotation on the canals but Khipro city could be counted as one of the few cities of Sindh where irrigation department has also imposed rotation system on potable water for human consumption. In the past most of the cities and smaller towns of province were facing potable water shortage mostly in early January followed by the annual closer of the canals for repairing and remodeling but at this time people are forced to face water shortage through out the year.

Apart from the water shortage, the purity of the potable water supplied to unofficial 110000 human population of Khipro. The records of defunct public health department Sanghar and current district government Sanghar reveal that it provides bleaching powder and chlorine for the purification on regular basis. After getting the purchasing slips of chlorine and bleaching powder, when this scribe contacted the chemical store of Karachi from where district government purchased these purification chemicals, the manager of the chemical store denied of such purchase.

For government, it is yet to be investigating the number of children die every year in Khipro subdivision because of the contaminated water and abdominal disorders, as district government and provincial health department is entirely blank in this regard and the death of these innocent children go unreported.

The social workers of the area are concerned for such phenomenon and the demand for more allocation of the funds so the potable water system could be improved. Prominent philanthropist, social worker and water quality expert Muhammad Ali Lashari expresses his grave concern over such conditions. He works for Sindh Graduates Association (SGA) and recently conducted in-depth survey of the underground potable water quality in Achhor Thar, where situation is worst. Lashari demands related authorities, provincial government and district government Sanghar to ensure the implementation of existing methods for purification of potable water and to bind the irrigation department not to force water rotation on potable water of the city, so people could get their due share.

In annual budget 2008-09 provincial government of Sindh allocated Rs.11 million for the renovation, repair and establishment of the potable water for district Sanghar. It is long practice that mostly the funds get lapsed without use or used only in the documents. The citizens must ask district government that what funds they received in the budget and these funds would be utilized. As stakeholder citizens have right to access the information for which they must insist.